Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Break! | Colorado Springs Event Planner

Its that time of year...Spring Break!!!!! Let the relaxing, sunbathing and parting with friends begin. What will you do with your time off?

Yesterday was the first day of Spring, yet the weather here in Colorado is not very spring-y! Its been slightly cold this week with the possibility of snow this weekend! Being a native of California I am ready for Winter to be put to bed and Spring and hot Summers to wake up. But the cold weather front here will not stop our Spring break plans. My daughter has two weeks off from school and she can't wait! At the precious age of seven she is already counting down the days and hours that she has left in the classroom (apple does not fall far from the tree...). For her Spring break she will be visiting the beautiful Southern California with her grandparents. They have a jam packed few weeks planned with a trip to Train Town Museum, an entire day spent at the pool, a show at the Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament, plus Easter egg decorating/hunting and Disneyland to close out the week. What kid wouldn't want to have a Spring break like that?

I remember my grandparents use to take my brother and I to the Medieval Times show when we were kids, I LOVED it. I am so excited that my Dad and Step-mom are passing down this tradition to my daughter and nephew. It is truly one of the *must do* things when visiting the Los Angeles area. I remember how we couldn't use utensils to eat our food and this was so outside my box, but I guarantee my daughter and nephew will have no problems digging right in. I haven't been to one of these shows since I was a little girl so it will be a whole new experience for me to see it as an adult. Is it as cool as I once believed!?!?!

I hope everyone has a fun, safe and relaxing Spring break wherever you are! Please let me know what fun things you will be doing this Spring break! I'd love to hear.

Sarah Viera
Owner/Creative Designer
Sarah Viera Event Planning & Design

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